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The True Millionaire Lifestyle

Most people want to be millionaires, and those that don’t are more than likely lying, or products of the Depression and truly don’t want the burden of having that kind of money to worry about.

So, most people want to be millionaires. When it comes to wanting to be a millionaire though, most people that want to be one aren’t thinking of what the numbers in their bank accounts are saying.

They are thinking about the lifestyle.

The millionaire lifestyle.

To some the millionaire lifestyle comes in the form of gated communities, elite country club memberships, and a social circle that is envied.

To others, the millionaire lifestyle is about more vacations, more freedom, and never having to lay awake at night worrying about meeting your family’s needs again.

To every person the notion of the millionaire lifestyle is different, but the true essence that creates the foundation of every aspiring millionaire’s dreams is the freedom that comes with it.

The freedom to keep making money, while still doing everything that you want to do with your life.
When you think about how much you want to be a millionaire, do you really know what lifestyle you are getting into?

You might be surprised to find out there is a key difference between being a millionaire, and living the millionaire lifestyle.

Most people hear the words millionaire lifestyle and automatically envision, yachts, exotic vacations, private jets, huge homes, and fancy cars.

The truth is that only 1% of the global population actually lives like that.

And here’s the real truth about that particular lifestyle.

Many of the people in that 1% ile range are millionaires that have to get up every day, usually before 6 AM, to answer emails, check messages, and meet the needs of their superiors better than anybody else can.

They continue to do this, answering to others, making big decisions, and making money for other people or businesses for about ten hours straight, if they are lucky.

Some of those millionaires aren’t even home before 8 PM because they are too busy making sure all of the ducks for their superiors are lined up exactly so. One slip and their millionaire lifestyle goes down the tubes.

Why? They are millionaires, but they do not possess that freedom that we talked about earlier.

They have to answer to someone else, all day, every day.

Is that the kind of millionaire lifestyle you want?
Chances are, no. You probably envision the kind of millionaire lifestyle that eliminates that one “pesky” little problem, answering to others.

This is the true millionaire lifestyle that will bring you both wealth AND freedom.

The key to a millionaire lifestyle is knowing what kind of millionaire you want to be.

Do you want to be the one that spends all day, every day, answering to others to rake in the paycheck? Or do you want to be the one that spends all day, every day, enjoying your life while your income streams do all of the work.

THOSE are the true millionaires.

The millionaires that truly do spend all summer in the Hamptons playing tennis or eating pretty sandwiches by the pool or at the beach.

These are millionaires with the mindset that acknowledges that being in control of your life is the only way to truly experience freedom.

They are in the driver’s seat of their lifestyle.

They’ve created income streams through investments, real estate, Internet Marketing, and building businesses that keep making them money whether they get up and work that day or not.

THAT’S the new millionaire, and that’s the one you need to aspire to be.

When you spend your life answering to someone else, whether you are making $10 bucks an hour or $1,000 bucks an hour, you will never be truly free to do exactly what it is that you want to do with your life.

The new millionaire lifestyle goes beyond the blue blood mentality of summer clubs, tennis courts, and fancy cars.

The new millionaire lifestyle is one that is relaxed, and in control of everything that happens to you.

When bankers today are assessing the value of a proposed millionaire across their desk, even they don’t consider the value of that person’s home as part of the package in defining the millionaire lifestyle.

So why should you?

When you think about becoming a millionaire, you need to remember that you are the only one that is in control of the whole process, from beginning to end.

You determine how you start that journey, how you engage on that journey, and how long you want that journey to last.

By:     Marcello Ducille

Professional Online Entrepreneur/Senior Forex Trader


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