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Is Money Evil?


Is Money Evil?

Some people in order to justify their state of  persistent lack, penury and deprivation deliberately and misleadingly misquote the Bible verse that talks about money and evil.

Instead of stating as the Bible stated that "it is the love of money that is the root of all evil" they rather state their own version that "money is evil"

They refuse to remember that the Scriptures also say that "money is a defence" and that "money answereth all things"

But is money really evil?

Definitely not

Money and the ownership of it in quantum is the best thing that can happen to any man or woman as a matter of fact.

Without money, a man becomes ball-less shooting only colloids without substance, having a mouth but no voice, having eyes but no sight and generally living a life of a sitting duck filled with bitterness and angst against the World and those who have money.

So, money on its own is not evil - it is only a means of exchange and the ownership of it in quantum is also not evil

What is evil though is "the persistent lack of money"

It is working in a job we hate that is evil

it is working so hard and yet not always having enough money to provide the basic needs of the family that is evil

It is fighting with the people you love because of money issues that is evil

It is being deeply in debt that is evil

It is being greedy that is evil

It is being avaricious that is evil

It is being so self centred that all you do is grab and grab and grab that is evil

It is committing criminal and immoral acts to get money that is evil

Like I said before money by itself is not evil

If you have had that mentality that money is evil, then I hope that by these few lines of mine, I have convinced you that money is not evil and thus you have a great need to change your mindset about money.

But I know it is not something you can do all by yourself, we are here to be of help to you.

We provide financial education to all who need it and if you have challenges with making or managing your money, then you need to grab our financial education courses.

We are just a message away.

2021 is almost here, don't enter it without being financially educated.

A great day to you

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP

For:      Topitup Media And Communications Nigeria


  1. Money is not evil in any way.It is the lack of it or the misuse ofbut that is evil.Life becomes meaningless without money.

    1. I agree
      It is the lack of money that is evil because it leads one into many evil things

  2. Money is a good thing from God, we decide to call it anything we want irrespective of the situation on ground. I believe if we have a good view about money, we will acquire it and it will help us live a better life.

    1. Exactly
      the best thing to happen to any man or woman is the ownership of money
      Anyone without money is just existing and not capable of really living

  3. Hope money was not created by God but by humans. Actually, out of all that humans created in total obeisances to the wish and will of God: "go into the world, have dominion, replenish the earth". Sincerely, this Earth cannot be replenished without "Money".

    The blog actually pinpointed all that is needed to know about money and I concur entirely with thee position of the writer. In my own context, " having Money is total way of appreciating God in fullness".

    I rather have clean money to express myself to it's fullness than admitting a callous obsessed position of money is evil.


  4. It is good to have money to settle all your life's challenges.
    In this life, we are here to solve problems. By the time one has no money to settle his bills life becomes frustrating and unbearable.
    However it is not good to make money through dubious means or rather to value money more than God or human beings.
    This is called love of money. And this also includes when one can do anything to make money and accumulating money without even making use of the money.
    This the love of money is evil.

  5. Money as I know is not evil but the LOVE FOR MONEY.
    That's the word of God; if you read and digest that verse of the Bible very well, you will understand that the love for money leads to many criminal and immortal act like greed, and greed leads to many others like self centeredness, debt, etc.
    But money itself is something you cannot do away with that's why the Bible said that it answerth all things. Because without money one cannot provide for his family, that's why the same bible said "woe unto a man who cannot provide for his family...And those people according bible are infidels.
    Wishing all of us more money

  6. Money isn't in anyway evil but our quest and will to get it through greedy and selfish means makes it evil. We don't pursue money, we do what to attract it, thus giving through offertory and in philanthropy terms and also acquiring the needed financial education to accumulate it.
    The Bible emphasize that money answers everything and shouldn't be despised as a matter of fact.
    This post elaborate more on the subject of how we make money evil, we can make more through legit schemes without hurting anyone. To get more money is a vital for human survival but the true way to achieve financial freedom and get money is another factor which we must take good note of. Thanks to Dr.Jerry the First Uguzie by throwing more light how money isn't evil but our ways to get it makes it evil hence the perception on this subject money is the root of all evil must be changed through a positive mindset with a conscious effort to get enough to cater for all our needs.

  7. This misconception of money being evil, has really be-clouded alot of people from truly reaching their potential and living a good life. There's a saying that "where your treasure is, there your heart lies". When issues money can solve comes up and you don't have... then you would really understand, when your mind never ceases to dwell on the issues. The smart way out is to understand and dispel all fears of evil and money, while working your way to financial freedom.

    Enekwechi Faith Adaeze.

  8. Chinwe Ekwedike
    Money is not evil,is a means to an end.Without it, life will be boring because is a useful means of exchange.

  9. Money is not evil. Money is neutral. In the Hands or a good man, it's used to do all kinds of good to humanity. In the hands of an evil man it can be used to perpetrate all kinds of wickedness. Sponsoring terrorism for example. For me the love of money is not the corollary of not having money. U can have money and not have the love for money and u can be poor and have the love of money. It's a mind set thing. The lack of money is a state that one shld never be comfortable in because it can lead to all the negative consequences Dr JTF outlined above. My stake? Desire and work to acquire money to live fully and be a blessing to humanity but eschew the love of money. If u lack money now, pls eschew the love of money and work to acquire same. Without money, u cannever really be the person God wants u to be.
    Theyall evils cos it makes people commit all kinds of atrocities to acquire, kidnapping, stealing etc. On the other hand, the lack of money me


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