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Showing posts from 2016

Are You Discouraged About Your Finances?

5 Things To Do When You’re Discouraged About Your Finances As you look back on what you’ve accomplished so far this year, do you cringe? I have some encouragement for you. I want you to keep going! I want to encourage you to be the tortoise in a society filled with hares. But, how? Financially, when things are not going the way you might like, and you feel like you aren’t making the kind of progress you desire, how do you keep moving forward? Let me offer some very simple, but very important things in which you need to keep doing. 1. Keep Looking At The Big Picture This is the overriding principle of this article of encouragement. Just because the last few months might not have gone the way you thought they would, that is no reason to give up. Where were you financially five years ago? What about 10? Each time I look at our money and get a little discouraged, I try to think of where we used to be financially, and the prog

No Shortage Of Money

Did You Take A Vow Of Poverty?

It is not always that we know just exactly what we are up to, sometimes our emotions control us to the extent that we can do what we don't want to do just when it is quite inconvenient. That is how the game of poverty is like A lot of People want to be RICH, a lot of People want to be WEALTHY, every child wants to be an adult of means, able to buy whatever s/he likes, able to travel the World and not to know a life of lack and deprivation; yet as we mature from childhood to adulthood, we slowly lose those dreams of ours and begin to conform ourselves to what is confronting us. We get schooled without being educated And even after Schooling, if we are lucky to find a job, it is one that we love to hate because it is never bringing in enough money to sort out our life challenges. We earn just to survive We are far from really living the life that we are born to live. And so we continue to struggle, living from day to day, from hand to mouth,

The World Outside An Ivory Tower

Most of the times, students live in a surreal world, a world of make belief, a world where all they need to make it in life is a Certificate and so they struggle hard to acquire the Certificate to the detriment of being educated. However when they are out of School and enter the real World, they find out that success is not dependent on their Certificates. In the real world outside of academics, something much more than just school grades and First Class Degree is required. Some call it "guts", "balls", "audacity", "tenacity" and brilliance. This factor, whatever it is labelled, ultimately decides one's future much more than school grades. Often in the real world, it's not the smart that gets ahead but the bold. The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them everyday. They ar e all around us.  I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn.

The True Millionaire Lifestyle

Most people want to be millionaires, and those that don’t are more than likely lying, or products of the Depression and truly don’t want the burden of having that kind of money to worry about. So, most people want to be millionaires. When it comes to wanting to be a millionaire though, most people that want to be one aren’t thinking of what the numbers in their bank accounts are saying. They are thinking about the lifestyle. The millionaire lifestyle. To some the millionaire lifestyle comes in the form of gated communities, elite country club memberships, and a social circle that is envied. To others, the millionaire lifestyle is about more vacations, more freedom, and never having to lay awake at night worrying about meeting your family’s needs again. To every person the notion of the millionaire lifestyle is different, but the true essence that creates the foundation of every aspiring millionaire’s dreams is the freedom that comes with it.

2 Traps People Fall Into

Two Common Wealth Traps 99% O f People Fall Into By: Mark Ford No. 1: The Trap of the “Regular Employee” Are you a Medical Doctor, Lawyer, or other professional? How about a salaried employee? If so, you’re in a trap. And you’ll never get out unless you listen up right now. Here’s what I mean… At the end of the day, you are charging for your time. And if you want to make more money, there are only two ways to do it: Charge more per hour (though not too much more, or you risk sounding ridiculous and worse, getting replaced). Work more hours (though there are only so many hours you can work and still have a life). As you improve your skills or stay long enough with the company, you may earn more for every hour you work. Eventually, you might even earn a couple hundred thousand per year. To earn that money, you will have to work very hard. Often, that means 10- to 14-hour workdays. If you’re a salaried employee or you have a job th

Money Will Always ..........

The issue of money has always been a much talked about issue right from the 1st Century when it was introduced into the World Economy Even though money is a means of exchange, however, it is lacking in many homes to the point that in the world today more than 50% of the World's Population is living below the poverty line i.e. earning below $2 per day. And this is not because they cannot be rich like others but because most have taken a vow of poverty  And so, what about money? Money will ALWAYS match your MINDSET. Money will ALWAYS follow your INTENTION. Money will ALWAYS manifest through ACTION. First comes mindset, then comes intention, and finally the big finale is action. If your mindset about money is one of scarcity, victimhood, blame, anger, shame, guilt, or undeservedness... then it doesn't matter how much you INTEND money, money won't be attracted to you. So, how do you change this mindset?   One way is pretty si

Wealth Is A Choice

It's your choice to  be wealthy .  No one can make that choice for you.  However, most people have never made this decision -- simply because they don't know that they can.  The easiest way to decide is to accept that you want a certain lifestyle.  Once you do that, you must develop goals, which should also outline a plan-of-action for its attainment. Often, people cannot make a choice about wealth because they are caught up in their addictive behaviors.  They end up wasting time and money by excessively pursuing unworthy endeavors: drugs, sex, gambling, oversleeping, entertainment, and other deleterious behaviors. These addictions cloud your mind and prohibit clear thinking. The choice of wealth cannot be avoided.  Those who do not make the choice will be confused for the rest of their lives.  Unfortunately, most people have taken the vow of poverty (unknowingly), but they've still made the choice.  By making a choice

Ways You Can Look Like A Millionaire

You have heard the saying that "If you want to become a Millionaire, then begin to act as one" Here are some ways that you can actually look like a Millionaire   Source:      Entrepreneur

The Millionaire Next Door

To call  Dan Nainan  frugal is an understatement. He lives in New York City, home to the world’s largest public transit system, but insists on walking. Everywhere. Sometimes for miles on end. When he travels he prefers to couch-surf, and don’t be fooled if you see him at Starbucks. He’s not ordering any lattes. He just stays for the free Wi-Fi.  Oh, and did I mention he’s a millionaire? “There are two ways to become a millionaire. You either make a lot of money or be a frugal person,” says Nainan. “I’ve kind of combined those.” In fact the 32-year-old has managed to save a whopping $1.6 million nest egg despite quitting his day job as a software developer five years ago to pursue stand-up comedy. He says what began as a hobby now earns him tens of thousands of dollars per appearance — money that mostly goes to savings. “In my business, you never know when the phone will stop ringing. There are so many entertainers who are more successful and famous

Welcome To Our Blog

The issues of #Wealth, #Riches and #Money have been on the front burner of discussions amongst men of all ages since when Adam was still in the #Garden of #Eden And up till today, they are yet to be resolved. So many people have the erroneous belief that acquiring money is the evidence that one is rich or wealthy and so they CHASE money with all their strength, all their might and all their minds Some others think that money is just a means of exchange and that nobody actually owns it as it continually exchanges hands from time to time and therefore ought not to be chased but what ought to be chased are those things which money cannot buy and which possession of them actually makes a man wealthy. Whichever School of Thought you belong to, you are welcome to our blog. Here we are committed to bringing about balanced views on the triple issues of Money, Wealth,  Riches so that our readers, fans and followers would be adequately and properly educated wi