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The issues of #Wealth, #Riches and #Money have been on the front burner of discussions amongst men of all ages since when Adam was still in the #Garden of #Eden And up till today, they are yet to be resolved. So many people have the erroneous belief that acquiring money is the evidence that one is rich or wealthy and so they CHASE money with all their strength, all their might and all their minds Some others think that money is just a means of exchange and that nobody actually owns it as it continually exchanges hands from time to time and therefore ought not to be chased but what ought to be chased are those things which money cannot buy and which possession of them actually makes a man wealthy. Whichever School of Thought you belong to, you are welcome to our blog. Here we are committed to bringing about balanced views on the triple issues of Money, Wealth,  Riches so that our readers, fans and followers would be adequately and properly educated wi
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What Is Wealth?

  What Is Wealth? "A person's, community's, company's, or country's wealth is the total sum of all their valuable properties. Wealth is calculated by subtracting all debts from the overall market value of all real and intangible assets held. Wealth is essentially the accumulation of finite capital. When individuals, groups, or nations are able to acquire a large number of valuable resources or commodities, they are considered to be rich. Wealth differs from income in that it is a stock while income is a flow, and it can be measured in absolute or relative terms " There are as many definitions of wealth as there are writers and thought leaders. Henry David Thoreau says   “ Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. ” And Robert Kiyosaki says "Wealth is NOT a measurement of how much money you have but how long you can live without working." Understanding the Definition of Wealth Wealth can be represented in a number of different wa

Overnight Millionaire?

  Overnight Millionaire?   Are you still living off one stream of income? Are you still slaving away at your Boss's job building his empire while your youth is going? Are you still waiting for the "one day" when manna shall fall from heaven and you will become a Millionaire overnight?   My friend In this day and age, it is an unforgiveable sin to be comfortable with only one source of income and this is irrespective of how much you are paid as salary Salary is counted money and there are yet to be testimonies from persons who depended on salary alone and got rich.   Times have changed What worked for our Fathers can no longer work for us The internet has decentralized information super highway to such an extent that anyone who wants can actually begin to earn money online with less hassles   When times change, only the thick skulled will wait for time to crush him or her.   In this time having more than one stream of income is

Is Money Evil?

  Is Money Evil? Some people in order to justify their state of   persistent lack, penury and deprivation deliberately and misleadingly misquote the Bible verse that talks about money and evil. Instead of stating as the Bible stated that "it is the love of money that is the root of all evil" they rather state their own version that "money is evil" They refuse to remember that the Scriptures also say that "money is a defence" and that "money answereth all things" But is money really evil? Definitely not Money and the ownership of it in quantum is the best thing that can happen to any man or woman as a matter of fact. Without money, a man becomes ball-less shooting only colloids without substance, having a mouth but no voice, having eyes but no sight and generally living a life of a sitting duck filled with bitterness and angst against the World and those who have money. So, money on its own is not evil - it is only a means

What Does Money Mean?

To Be A Multimillionaire In Your 30s, Do These In Your 20s

19 Things Future Multimillionaires Do in Their 20s No matter how much you start out with, you'll be a lot richer in your 30s if you adopt these habits in your 20s. Did you grow up rich? If not, the idea that you'll be   wealthy   and   successful   someday can seem almost absurd at times.  Let's assume that your   parents were good people who worked hard .  If they never saw a lot of financial success, why should you believe that you can do it? The truth is, however, that even if you're starting with little, there are things you can do early in your life and career--in your 20s, mostly--that can make it far more likely you'll be very wealthy by the time you hit 30. Maybe even worth many millions. Over the last few years I've interviewed a lot of super-wealthy people, first for my book   The Intelligent Entrepreneur , and later for   and elsewhere. Boil down their experiences and there

3 SureFire Ways To Attract Riches

The Only 3 Ways to Attract Riches First and foremost, Happy New Year to YOU! Last year was an Awesome year for me.   I had the chance to be apart of quite a few success stories. You are probably, getting back into the flow of things after the Holidays. I want to share with you 3 ways to attracting Riches into your life!   #1)  Gratitude is the cornerstone   I encourage you to start with at least 3 things you're grateful for.  Being grateful for what you have now will make way room for you to  attract RICHES into your life. I remember when I first started.  I didn't even know how to set up a  blog, but now I have multiple blogs running and they're doing well! #2)  Be Aware Of Opportunities Around You For Attracting Riches You have to realize, opportunities exist all around you.   Just by saying YES to a new    opportunity will make you more attractive to Riches. I've made it a habit to do what others WON'T DO so I will be in a  p