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Showing posts from February, 2021

Overnight Millionaire?

  Overnight Millionaire?   Are you still living off one stream of income? Are you still slaving away at your Boss's job building his empire while your youth is going? Are you still waiting for the "one day" when manna shall fall from heaven and you will become a Millionaire overnight?   My friend In this day and age, it is an unforgiveable sin to be comfortable with only one source of income and this is irrespective of how much you are paid as salary Salary is counted money and there are yet to be testimonies from persons who depended on salary alone and got rich.   Times have changed What worked for our Fathers can no longer work for us The internet has decentralized information super highway to such an extent that anyone who wants can actually begin to earn money online with less hassles   When times change, only the thick skulled will wait for time to crush him or her.   In this time having more than one stream of income is